
Thursday, 28 September 2017

my speech

My speech was about coding at school. When I got up I felt nervous. Then I felt better when I started.It was an amazing feeling I did really well. Everybody laughed at the things that they should. I only made 1 mistake. In the end I came 2nd. I was soooo happy.       

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

sand castle

using almost 4,000 metric tonnes of sand, sculptors have built a 16 metre tower showing a number of famous landmarks the world record for tallest sand castle is here. People spent 3 weeks building it in western germany city.


cool new skin

I made this skin for using 

Monday, 25 September 2017

mindcraft the musical


It’s about a dragon that tries to mind control everyone. Joe and gran and Chris and Liz and Alex get sucked into minecraft oh and the dog does to. BTW I did not spell  minecraft wrong it is actually called mindcraft the musical ok good. So they team up with Notch and Iron golem to save minecraft and THE WORLD.

This was made by